This is one of
our favorite dips, and is always made to titillate our friends' taste
buds before the grand slam main course.
Ingredients :
2 large aubergines
2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
1 small green chili, seeded and finely
juice of 1/2 lemon
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley and coriander
parsley sprigs and lemon wedges, to
pita bread, crushed garlic and olive oil,
to serve
Method :
Pre-heat the oven to 190C/375F/ gas mark
5. Prick the aubergines all over with a fork, cut in half lengthways and
place them cut-side down on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake in the
oven for 25-30 minutes until softened and collapsed. Cool slightly.
In a food
processor, blitz the garlic, chili and lemon juice for 10 seconds. Scoop
out the aubergine flesh, add to the garlic mixture and blitz again. With
the motor still running slowly, add the olive oil in a steady stream
until well combined. Alternatively, chop the flesh of the aubergine
finely and rub through a sieve, then crush the garlic and chill with a
pestle and mortar and add to the sieved aubergine with the lemon juice.
Beat well, then slowly mix in the olive oil, 1 tbsp at a time, until
Season with
salt and pepper to taste and stir in the parsley and coriander. Spoon on
to plates or serve in ramekin dishes. Garnish with parsley and lemon
wedges and serve with toasted pita bread brushed with garlic and
olive oil.