Ask the
butcher to cut the slab of spareribs crosswise into thirds that measure
4-5cm in length, or use a cleaver to do so yourself. Cut the ribs
between the bones to separate them. To make the marinade, combine the
ingredients in a bowl. Add the ribs and toss lightly. Marinate in the
fridge for at least 3 hours, or overnight.
Mix the egg,
flour and a little water to form a smooth batter the consistency of
thickened cream. Fill a wok one quarter full of oil. Heat the oil to
350F, Gas 4, or until a piece of bread fries golden brown in 15 seconds
when dropped in the oil. Dip the ribs in the batter and fry in batches
for 5 minutes until they are crisp adn golden, stirring to separate
them, then remove and drain. Reheat the oil and fry the ribs for 1
minute to darken the color. Remove and drain on paper towels.
Soak the
spring onions and chilies in the hot oil (with the heat off) for 2
minutes. Remove with a wire strainer or slotted spoon and sprinkle over
the ribs.