Goan Vindaloo Recipe

Goan Vindaloo Recipes

Ingredients :

750g (1.5 lb) pork fillet or tenderloin, cubed

200ml (7 fl oz) vinegar

2-6 tsp chili powder

2 tsp coriander seeds

1 tsp white cumin seeds

10cm (4 inch) piece of cinnamon stick

12 cloves

12 green cardamom pods

2 tsp pepper

4 tbsp ghee

1 quantity curry puree

4-8 fresh or dried red chilies



To garnish -

sprigs of basil

Method :

Place the pork in a non-metallic dish with the vinegar and a quantity of chili powder according to your taste. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours.

Dry-fry the spices in a frying pan, shaking the pan over a fairly high heat for 1-2 minutes. Cool slightly, then grind them using a pestle and mortar or an electric spice mill and mix with enough water to make a paste.

HEat the ghee in a large frying pan or wok and stir-fry the curry puree for 5 minutes. Add the spice paste, stir-frying for 2 minutes more. Lift the pieces of pork out of the marinade, reserving the liquid, and combine them with the ingredients in the frying pan.

Transfer the mixture to a heavy-lidded casserole and bake in a preheated oven, 190C (375F), Gas Mark 5, for 1 hour, adding the red chilies to taste after 20 minutes of cooking time, with a little salt and some marinade to moisten if necessary. If, at the end of the cooking time, there is an excess of oil, spoon it off before serving. Garnish with sprigs of basil.

Serves  4

A hot pork curry cooked with dry-fried spices, chili powder and chilies.

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