Whole Fish with Sweet and Sour Sauce Recipe

Whole Fish with Sweet and Sour Sauce Recipes

Ingredients :

1 whole fish, such as red snapper or carp, about 2.25lb

2-3 tbsp cornflour

oil for frying

salt and freshly ground black pepper

boiled rice, to serve


For the spice paste:

2 garlic cloves

2 lemon grass stems

1 inch fresh galangal, peeled

1 inch fresh root ginger

3/4 inch fresh turmeric or 1/2 tsp ground turmeric

5 macadamia nuts or 10 almonds


For the sauce:

1 tbsp brown sugar

3 tbsp cider vinegar

1.5 cups water

2 lime leaves, torn

4 shallots, quartered

3 tomatoes, skinned and cut in wedges

3 spring onions, finely shredded

1 fresh red chili, seeded and shredded

Method :

Ask the fishmonger to gut and scale the fish, leaving on the head and tail, or you may do this yourself. Wash and dry the fish thoroughly and then sprinkle it inside and out with salt. Set aside for 15 minutes, while preparing the other ingredients.

Peel and crush the garlic cloves. Use only the lower white part of the lemon grass stems and slice thinly. Peel and slice the fresh galangal, the fresh root ginger and fresh turmeric and grind to a fine paste in a food processor or with a pestle and mortar.

Scrape the paste into a bowl. Stir in the brown sugar, cider vinegar, seasoning to taste and the water. Add the lime leaves. Dust the fish with the cornflour and fry on both sides in hot oil for about 8-9 minutes or until almost cooked through. Drain the fish on kitchen paper and transfer to a serving dish. Keep warm.

Pour off the most of the oil and then pour in the spicy liquid and allow to come to the boil. Reduce the heat and cook for 3-4 minutes. Add the shallots and tomatoes, followed a minute later by the spring onions and chili. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Pour the sauce over the fish. Serve at once, with plenty of rice.

Serves 4

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